Job assistance

Job Assistance

At HCCD, individuals will have access to our job assistance services, which include helping people prepare their resume to find work opportunities. In terms of building a resume, this consists of gathering previous work exerience, educational background, skills and more. Through our services, we are able to provide individuals with the assistance they need to organize their resume in a professional and clear manner that wil be presentable to the employers who review them.

Our job assistance also includes helping individuals, including adult immigrants, with writing a cover letter. This one-page letter is usually required when applying for a job in order to let employers and companies know why the individual would be a valuable candidate for the role or position they are applying for. Besides helping individuals with resumes and cover letters, HCCD also provides job assistance in terms of finding the right field and location, making connections with employers through networking, and navigating factors such as benefits, salaries and work hours that will be a perfect fit for the individual who is in search of a job.

More information about HCCD’s job assistance services will be provided in the near future as they will be offered soon.

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