Immigration & Citizenship Services

At HCCD, we provide individuals with immigration processes, which includes helping immigrants file for their employment authorization through steps such as obtaining a social security card. We also hep in providing immigrants with document translations from foreign languages to the English language for immigration purposes.

In addition, HCCD’s immigration services include helping immigrants obtain a long-term permanent resident in order to prepare them for the U.S. citizenship test. This test is a part of the naturlization process and requires applicants to pass a two-part exam. While the first part of the exam consists of assessments for the applicant’s ability to read, write and speak the English language, the second part of the test consists of an evaluation of the individual’s knowledge of U.S. history and the U.S. government as well.

Through our immigration services, we also assist asylum seekers in the process of obtaining political asylum, which allows them to live in the United States under a form of protection that gives them the opportunity to remain in the country instead of being removed or deported. Overall, we are here to help immigrants experience a smooth transition from their homeland country to the U.S. in order to reside in this nation in a secure and legal manner while making progress along the way.

More information about HCCD’s immigration services will be provided in the near future as they will be offered soon.

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